Packing And Preparing For A Stay In A Hotel

Packing And Preparing For A Stay In A Hotel

28 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Are you preparing for a getaway? If you're planning a trip, you're going to have some packing to do. What will you need? What do you usually forget, and what do you need that you don't even know that you need yet? Here, you'll find a few ideas for things that will come in handy when staying in a hotel that you might have otherwise overlooked.

Clothing Selection

How many pieces of clothing you'll need to take depends on several things – what you'll be doing while you're away and if there are laundry services for you to utilize. If the hotel has a laundry room, you'll be able to run the clothes through the wash and minimize how many items you have to take – and it helps to reduce the overwhelming feeling when you get home and unload a huge pile of dirty laundry that'll need to be done.

The clothes that you take with you should be easy to care for – you don't want to take the items that you know will require being ironed before they can be worn in public. Opt for cotton or linens that can be hung in a steamy bathroom and be ready to go.

Slippers and/or Flip-Flops

No matter how clean any given hotel is, it's not really in your best interest to be walking around the halls barefoot. You know you'll have to leave the room at least a few times, and you won't want to fight with shoelaces to go do whatever it is that needs to be done. Instead, pack yourself a pair of slippers or flip-flops that you can slip on quickly.

Folding Hamper

Don't toss all of your dirty laundry on the bathroom floor. Instead, pick up a small folding hamper. Typically, you can find these at bargain stores for very little – sometimes under $5. These are handy for many reasons – you can use it for the laundry in the room, you can use it to carry things to the beach, and you can pack it up with extra blankets or pillows that you want to take along with you.


If you plan on drinking any wine in your room, don't forget a corkscrew. In some cases, you'll be able to get one from the front desk, but other times, you'll be left to creatively pop the cork before you can enjoy a nice glass of wine.

Start planning, packing and preparing for a great trip. If you do the work now, you'll get to the hotel and have everything you need for an enjoyable stay.